How do I migrate to the new Perusall LTI 1.3 for Canvas?

Perusall has upgraded its LTI (Learning Tool Integration) with Canvas, from version 1.1 to 1.3. All Canvas users should enable new courses (Spring 2025) for Perusall 1.3 (select "Perusall 1.3" in the Course Settings -> Navigation). 

The new Perusall integration offers some advantages: 

  • The new integration offers many new benefits (see below):
    • Roster Sync
      • Upon the first time an instructor launches their Perusall course, their entire LMS course roster is available under the Students tab within their Perusall course and is updated each time the instructor launches Perusall.
    • Improved Grade Sync
      • Instructors no longer need to build assignment-specific links with case-sensitive titles in order to sync grades.  In fact, students just need to click at least one Perusall link in your LMS course (at least once), and we will be able to sync all of their grades from the course.  See: Grade sync in LTI 1.3.
    • Improved Group Sync Options
      • Group sync, previously only available for Canvas 1.1 integration, is now available for Canvas, Blackboard & Desire2Learn 1.3 integrations.  Instructors can now choose which group set to send to Perusall.
  • Perusall has a comparison chart available.  See: What's the difference between 1.1 & 1.3?

Note that a Canvas course using the 1.1 (old) version of Perusall can't be upgraded to the new version.

however, your LTI 1.1 course content (excluding all student data/work) can be copied to a 1.3 course.  For a step-by-step guide, see How do I transition my Perusall course from an LTI 1.1 integration to LTI 1.3?


  • Last Updated Jan 22, 2025
  • Views 78
  • Answered By Valerian Anderson

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