How do I add a link to the First Day resources at Barnes and Noble?

To add a link for the First Day resources, provided by Barnes and Noble, you will be adding an External Tool to a Module.


To add a link for the First Day resources, provided by Barnes and Noble, you will be adding an External Tool to a Module.

  1. Navigate to the Modules section of your course in Canvas.
  2. In the Module where you wish to place the First Day link, click on the '+' symbol to add a module Item, at the upper right corner of the Module. (If you don't have a Module yet, you should create one.)
  3. In the Add Selector, select External Tool.
  4. In the list of tools that appears, select Course Materials, from Barnes and Noble College, and click Add Item at the lower right.
  5. If your course is properly registered for the First Day program, you should be taken to a page of the materials for your course.
  6. Here is a video that takes you through the process.

Add First Day Video


  • Last Updated Nov 06, 2023
  • Views 336
  • Answered By Valerian Anderson

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