Canvas - Custom Cross-listing Tool
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has developed a custom cross-listing tool that allows instructors to easily apply FERPA-friendly settings when cross-listing.
Using the TCNJ Custom Canvas Cross-listing Tool
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has created a tool to make cross-listing courses in Canvas easy!
This tool allows you to cross-list course sections so you can manage two, or more, sections of the same course from one Canvas shell. Cross-listing moves the enrollment roster over to another course section. The cross-listed course sections function as one course, with rosters of the cross-listed sections combined.
The tool will apply the correct settings for FERPA – see step 4 below.
Cross-list sections before content is added because content will become unavailable in all child sections. It will erase student interactions and submissions so cross-list before publishing.
To undo a cross-listed course, email
Cross-listing Process
To use the tool, log into Canvas and go to your account settings on the global navigation bar (click on your name to access). Select Cross-list Tool (or, use the direct link to the cross-list tool).
View the video for a demonstration of the the tool.
- Click the “Start Crosslisting”.
Please wait for the timer to stop before proceeding, as the process of finding your list of courses can take some time.
- Select the term for the courses to cross-list from the dropdown menu; then “Submit Term”.
- On the next screen, select the primary, or host, course.
- Click the FERPA slider ON so that the crosslisted courses are in compliance with FERPA. Most courses cross-listed in Canvas, that are NOT cross-listed in PAWS, should have this slider turned on. See the FERPA Compliance and Student Interaction in Merged Canvas Courses guide for more information.
- Once selected, click the “Submit Host Course” button.
- Select a child course to cross-list to the host course. You will have an opportunity to select multiple child courses.
- Select “Confirm Cross-list” in order to complete the cross-listing. If you wish to back out without cross-listing, click “Cancel”.
The application summarizes the courses you have just cross-listed, and gives you an opportunity to cross-list another child course to the same host course. If you only wish to cross-list a single course, click “Exit” to return to your Canvas Dashboard.