Canvas - Custom Cross-listing Tool

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has developed a custom cross-listing tool that allows instructors to easily apply FERPA-friendly settings when cross-listing. 


Using the TCNJ Custom Canvas Cross-listing Tool

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has created a tool to make cross-listing courses in Canvas easy!

This tool allows you to cross-list course sections so you can manage two, or more, sections of the same course from one Canvas shell. Cross-listing moves the enrollment roster over to another course section. The cross-listed course sections function as one course, with rosters of the cross-listed sections combined.

The tool will apply the correct settings for FERPA – see step 4 below.

Cross-list sections before content is added because content will become unavailable in all child sections. It will erase student interactions and submissions so cross-list before publishing.

To undo a cross-listed course, email  

Cross-listing Process

To use the tool, log into Canvas and go to your account settings on the global navigation bar (click on your name to access). Select Cross-list Tool (or, use the direct link to the cross-list tool).

View the video for a demonstration of the the tool.

  1. Click the “Start Crosslisting”.

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Please wait for the timer to stop before proceeding, as the process of finding your list of courses can take some time.

  1. Select the term for the courses to cross-list from the dropdown menu; then “Submit Term”.

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  1. On the next screen, select the primary, or host, course. 
  2. Click the FERPA slider ON so that the crosslisted courses are in compliance with FERPA. Most courses cross-listed in Canvas, that are NOT cross-listed in PAWS, should have this slider turned on. See the FERPA Compliance and Student Interaction in Merged Canvas Courses guide for more information.
  3. Once selected, click the “Submit Host Course” button.

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  1. Select a child course to cross-list to the host course. You will have an opportunity to select multiple child courses.

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  1. Select “Confirm Cross-list” in order to complete the cross-listing. If you wish to back out without cross-listing, click “Cancel”.

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The application summarizes the courses you have just cross-listed, and gives you an opportunity to cross-list another child course to the same host course. If you only wish to cross-list a single course, click “Exit” to return to your Canvas Dashboard.

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  • Last Updated Jan 27, 2025
  • Views 276
  • Answered By

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